Unrestricted Report

ITEM NO:  07

Application No.



Harmans Water

Date Registered:

7 April 2021

Target Decision Date:

2 June 2021

Site Address:

Lavenir Opladen Way Bracknell Berkshire 


Prior Notification requirement under Class AA of Part 20 of the GPDO for a two storey roof extension to form 42 apartments.


Mr H Schneck


Mr A Allen

Case Officer:

Sarah Fryer, 01344 352000



Site Location Plan  (for identification purposes only, not to scale)

© Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.  Bracknell Forest Borough Council 100019488 2004










































1.1  This is an application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 20 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). Under Class AA, of Part 20, permitted development consists of works for the construction of up to two additional storeys of new dwellinghouses immediately above the topmost residential storey on a detached building subject to certain criteria being met and an application for prior approval being granted by the Local Planning Authority.


1.2  This application constitutes the application for prior approval and having had regard to the criteria and conditions of Class AA, Part 20  it is recommended that prior approval be granted.


1.3 Members will recall this application was deferred from the August 2021 Advisory Planning Committee to allow for a Construction Management Plan to be submitted and considered prior to the determination of the application. This has been submitted and found acceptable by officers. The application was then considered by the March Advisory Planning Committee where Councillors voted against the officers recommendation.


1.4 Following that meeting Officers became aware that under the fire safety regulations brought in following Grenfell, a fire report would be required. The applicant complied and one was submitted. The application is therefore back before the Planning Committee for determination.



Prior approval be granted subject to the conditions in Section 11 of this report




2.1 The application is reported to the Planning Committee as it has received more than 5 objections.





Within settlement boundary

With 5km of the SPA


3.1 This application relates to a site which borders the A322 Bagshot Road to the west, Nightingale Crescent to the north and Opladen Way to the east. To the south the site adjoins a wooded area and access to the site is from Opladen Way.


3.2 The site consists of a three storey former office building which was granted planning permission in 1988. In 2017 consent was granted for the conversion of the existing building from B1 offices to C3 residential use under Class O, Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) (reference: 17/00457/PAC).


3.3 The existing building is constructed from red brick with buff stone horizontal cornice detailing and strong vertical columns breaking up the glazing elements. The building has a footprint similar to a boomerang in shape sitting within a lawned space with parking located to the north and east. Additional parking is contained within a basement.


3.4 To the west of the site, and across a large traffic intersection is the Bracknell Leisure Centre with two storey residential properties within Harmans Water located to the east.




4.1                The relevant planning history can be summarised as follows:



Prior Notification requirement under Class AA of Part 20 of the GPDO for a part single and part two storey roof extension to form 35 apartments.

Refused -

on the grounds of being an incongruous form of development



Construction of a new third floor together with a fourth floor mansard roof extension over the existing building to create new residential accommodation comprising 45no. One and two bedroom flats. (In addition to the flats granted under prior approval)

Refused 16.8.2019 on the grounds of being an incongruous form of development and SPA and dismissed at appeal.



The Inspector dismissed the appeal on the harm to the character and appearance of the area, particularly on views form the east.

Refused 16.08.2019 (Dismissed at appeal)



 External alterations to existing building.

 Approved 15.03.2019



Application for Prior Approval for the change of use of offices (Class B1a) to residential Class C3) to form 69 no. apartments

Consent Granted 22.06.2017



Erection of a three-storey building

Approved    12.01.1989



Outline application for Demolition of Westwick House and erection of a building for business use (Class B1) comprising up to 45,000 sq ft gross floor area.

Approved 20.06.1998


[Various application for minor works, including advertisements not considered relevant to this application]




5.1 It is proposed to erect 2 additional storeys to the top of L’Avenir, to contain 42 one and two bedroom flats. The two storeys would be directly above the main building and have been designed to replicate the building below.




Bracknell Town Council

6.1Bracknell Town Council recommends refusal for the following reasons:

1) This development will cause significant impact upon road safety with a considerable increase in road traffic accessing and leaving close to a busy junction.

2) Insufficient parking causing off site obstructive parking for other local roads and residents contrary to core strategy and local plan policies supported by the NPPF.

3) Adding a 2 storey roof extension to this already large building will have an overbearing impact on other local properties.

4) Councillors can see no significant changes to the previous application bringing them to the same conclusion to recommend refusal again.


Other Representations


6.2 44 letters have been received from different addresses objecting to the proposal on the following grounds:

·         Scale and mass

·         Out of character with the local area due to the height. There are no other 5 storey blocks in the area and this would tower over the existing area.

·         Proposal includes multiple balconies which would overlook the properties on Primrose Walk and Wilberforce Way. [Officer Note: the balconies have been removed by an amendment].

·         No affordable housing [Officer Note: There is no requirement to consider affordable housing under the prior approval procedure].

·         The noise and disruption of living beneath a building site would be completely unacceptable to the existing residents of L’Avenir, especially those that work from home or work shifts and therefore sleep during the day. 

·         Possibility of damage to cars and flats from the construction work

·         Inadequate onsite parking will result in increased parking on Primrose Walk and Wilberforce Way.

·         Increased congestion on the road network from the increase in vehicles.

·         Adversely affect the character of the area of semi-detached and detached dwellings.

·         Increase shading of the surrounding properties.

·         Existing problems with water pressure within the building which will only increase as more flats are constructed.

·         Increase in the use of local services such as GPs, schools, dentists etc.

·         Noise and light pollution.

·         When L’Avenir was originally built, there was an undertaking that the new building would not exceed the height of the original Westwick building.

·         Gates to the site do not work and block Opladen Way if more than one car is waiting to be let into the site.

·         Bin store is consistently full and other functional problems with the site will be made worse by the proposal

·         The communal gardens enjoyed now by residents will be disturbed and unusable during the construction process.

·         Common law states that residents have a right to ‘quiet enjoyment’ of the property. This would be breached during the construction work. [Officer comment: this is a civil matter and not covered in planning legislation].

·         The effect of the proposed development on the integrity of the Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area (the SPA).

·         Devalues our property.


6.3       The following additional comments have been received since the application was last considered by the Planning Committee.

·         Developer stating that on ‘crane days some residents would not be able to use their car is ridiculous’ [Officer Comment: The CEMP has been amended so that the crane is located within the area designated to the building works]

·         This work should have been undertaken before renting out properties to people. Where will the building materials be put? This will restrict people parking within their spaces.

·         Concerns that the gates will be left open during construction work reducing security.

·         Car parking space allocated to me is shown as being allocated for building supplies during the build.

·         Delays and dangers entering and exiting the site during building work.

·         Dust during construction work.


6.4       In total 52 representations have now been received from 56 properties.




Highway Authority

7.1       No objections subject to conditions.


Environmental Health

7.2   No objections.  


Waste and Recycling

7.3   No objections.


Building Control

7.4       Have stated the a sprinkler system should be installed and have questioned that the cladding to be used.


Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service

7.5       Have provided comments in relation to sprinklers, an assessment of the risk of fire spread, way finder signage, smoke ventilation within the atrium, sub-division of corridors, and dry risers should be installed on each floor.




8.1  The primary strategic planning considerations applying to the site and associated policies are:





Development Plan


General policies

CS1 & CS2 of CSDPD



CS7 of CSDPD, Saved policy EN20 of BFBLP

HO 8 and HO 9 of the BTNP




Residential Amenity

Saved Policy EN20 of BFBLP



Saved policy M9 of BFBLP


NPPF refers to LAs setting their own parking standards for residential development, this policy is considered to be consistent.





SEP Saved Policy NRM6, CS14 of CSDPD


Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Design SPD

Parking Standards SPD

Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Area (SPD)

Other publications

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG)

CIL Charging Schedule



8.2       Development Plan Polices, including the Bracknell Town Neighbourhood Plan and the NPPF are considered relevant in prior approval cases, but only insofar as they relate to the development and prior approval matters.




9.1  The key issues for consideration are:

i.         Principle of Development

ii.        Transport and Highway Implications

iii.       Air traffic and defence assets impacts of development

iv.       Contamination risks in relation to the development

v.        Flooding risks in relation to the development

vi.       The external appearance of the building

vii.      Impact of any works permitted by sub paragraph (1) or (d) of Class AA

viii.     Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the new dwellinghouses

ix.       Impact upon the amenity of existing building and neighbouring premises including overlooking, privacy, and the loss of light

x.        Impacts of noise from any commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the new dwelling houses.

xi.       Impacts of the introduction of or an increase in, a residential use of premises in the area on the carrying out if any trade, business or other use of land in the area.

xii.      Whether, because of the siting of the building, the development will impact on a protected view identified in the Directions Relating to Protected Vistas dated 15th March 2012 issued by the Secretary of State.

xiii.     Other issues



i.              Principle of Development


9.2This application seeks consent under Class AA, Part 20, Schedule 2, of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).


9.3  Under Class AA permitted development consists of works for the construction of up to two additional storeys of new dwellinghouses immediately above the topmost storey on a detached building to which sub paragraph (2) applies, together with any or all-

(a) engineering operations reasonably necessary to construct the additional storeys and new dwelling houses;

(b) works for the replacement of existing plant or installation of additional plant on the roof of the extended building reasonably necessary to service the new dwellinghouses;

(c) works for the construction of appropriate and safe access to and egress from the new dwellinghouses and existing premises in the building, including means of escape from fire, via additional external doors or external staircases;

(d) works for the construction of storage, waste or other ancillary facilities reasonably necessary to support the new dwellinghouses.


9.4  Sub paragraph (2) states that this class only applies to a building which is—

(a) used for any purpose within Class A1 (shops), Class A2 (financial and professional services), Class A3 (restaurants and cafes) or Class B1(a) (offices) of the Schedule to the 1987 Order, or as a betting office, pay day loan shop or launderette;

(b) in a mixed use combining –

(i) two or more uses within paragraph (a); or

(ii) a use falling withing Class C3 (dwelling houses) of the Schedule to the 1987  Order, together with one or more uses withing paragraph (a). 

(3) In relation to Class AA, “the 1987 Order” means the Use Classes Order as in force on 5th March 2018.


9.5       L’Avenir was constructed as a purpose built office block which was its lawful use until the 2017 prior approval was implemented. The first apartments were occupied during the summer of 2020 and therefore at the key date of the 5 March 2018 it was considered that the lawful use was as B1(a) Offices and the use is considered to fall within a use specified by sub paragraph (2).


9.6       If there are no implications associated with these matters, the development is considered to be permitted development.


9.7       The table below analyses the proposal against the requirements of Class AA


Development is not permitted by Class A if:


Complies with requirement for permitted development?



the permission to use the building as a dwellinghouse has been granted only by virtue of Class MA of Part 3 of this Schedule;



Above ground level, the building is less than 3 storeys in height





The building was constructed before 1st July 1948, or after 5th March 2018





On 5th March 2018 the building was in a use other than-

i) a use or mixed use; or

ii) a use falling within class C3 of the Schedule of the UCO.





The additional storeys are constructed other than on the principal part of the building





The floor to ceiling height of any additional storey is

i) More than 3 metres in height, or

ii) More than the floor to ceiling height of any of the existing



Whichever is lesser where such heights are measured internally





The new dwellinghouses are not flats





The overall height of the roof of the extended building would be

greater than 7 metres higher than the highest part of the existing roof (not including existing plant).





The extended building (not including plant) would be greater than 30 metres in height





Development under Class AA(1)(a) would include the provision of visible support structure on or attached to the exterior of the building upon completion of the development





Development under Class AA(1)(a) would include engineering operations other than works to:

i) strengthen existing walls;

ii) strengthen existing foundations: or

iii) install or replace water, drainage, electricity, gas or other services.





In the case of Class AA(1)(b) development there is no existing plant on the building




In the case of Class AA(1)(b) development (works replacing or for new plant) the height of any replaced or additional plant is no higher than any existing plant.


Yes (no plant proposed)


In the case of Class AA(1)(c) development (works to the access, doors etc.) would extend beyond the curtilage of the existing building




In the case of Class AA(1)(d) development would;

i) Extend beyond the curtilage of the existing building.

ii) be situated on land forward of a wall forming a principal elevation of the existing building: or

iii) be situated on land forward of a wall fronting a highway and forming a side elevation of the existing building; or




The land or site on which the building is located, is or forms part of:

i) article 2(3) land (conservation areas, AONBs etc.):

ii) site of special scientific interest

iii) a listed building or land within its curtilage

iv) a scheduled monument or land within its curtilage

v) a safety hazard zone

vi) a military explosives storage area: or

vii) land within 3 km of the perimeter of an aerodrome.




9.8       From the analysis above, the application is considered to meet the requirements of AA.1 and is therefore considered to be permitted development.


9.9       However, under paragraph AA.2, before beginning the development the developer must apply to the local planning authority for prior approval for:

a)    transport and highway implications,

b)    air traffic and defence asset impacts of the development

c)    contamination risks in relation to the development

d)    flooding risks in relation to the development

e)    the external appearance of the building, including-

                    i.       the design and architectural features of—

(aa) the principal elevation; and

(bb) any side elevation that fronts a highway; and

ii. the impact of any works permitted by sub paragraph (1) or (d) of Class AA.

f)     provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the new dwellinghouses

g)    impact upon the amenity of the existing building and neighbouring premises including overlooking, privacy, and the loss of light

h)    impacts of noise from any commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the new dwelling houses

i)      impacts of the introduction of or an increase in, a residential use of premises in the area on the carrying out if any trade, business or other use of land in the area;

j)      whether, because of the siting of the building, the development will impact on a protected view identified in the Directions Relating to Protected Vistas dated 15th March 2012 issued by the Secretary of State.

k)    where the existing building is 18 metres or more in height, the fire safety of the external wall construction of the existing building; and

l)      where the development meets the fire risk condition (see paragraph C(3) of this Part), the fire safety impacts on the intended occupants of the building,


9.10     These are assessed in turn below.


ii.            Transport and Highway Implications


9.11     A parking plan has been submitted, this shows 86 car parking spaces in the basement and 81 spaces at ground floor level, giving a total of 167 spaces.


9.12     The permitted and proposed developments require a total of 150 car parking spaces, comprising 98 spaces required for the development approved under 17/00457/PAC and 52 spaces (including visitor spaces at 1 per 5 units) required for this application, to accord with the Parking Standards SPD (March 2016) and therefore the amount of car parking available is sufficient.


9.13     Details of additional cycle parking and provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for 1 in 5 of the spaces for the development (10 spaces) have not been provided and are therefore requested by condition.


iii.           Air traffic and defence assets impacts of development


9.14     There are no defence bases which would be affected and the building is too low to affect air traffic.


iv.        Contamination risks in relation to the development


9.15     As the proposal is for additional storeys to an existing residential building, there is no contaminated land concern.


v.         Flooding risks in relation to the development


9.16     The site is within Flood Zone 1 and there are no records of flooding being reported to the Council.


9.17  Reports relating to flooding from the Thames Water Sewage system have been noted. The applicant will have to ensure they have any required consents. 


vi.        The external appearance of the building


9.18     Policies CS7 of the CSDPD and EN20 of the BFBLP support proposals which are appropriate in scale, mass design and materials.


9.19     Amended plans have been received and the design features and details have been replicated on the two floors above. The glazing elements and vertical pillars continue up providing a greater consistency and therefore cohesive appearance to the built form as a whole. It is therefore considered that the proposal now relates well to the building below, presenting a cohesive  appearance to the building.



9.20     Additional floors are permitted development and the proposal does not exceed the height of the limits specified within the GPDO, providing they are appropriately designed, the additional mass and bulk is acceptable. This is being reflected in appeal decisions such as appeal ref: APP/T1410/W/20/3263486 concerning Seaforth Court, 91 Victoria Drive Eastbourne which stated:


13. For the purposes of assessing whether prior approval should be granted, I consider the assessment of the matter in dispute is limited to the external appearance of the building rather than its effect on the wider area. The Framework is only relevant so far as it relates to the subject matter of the prior approval, in this case the external appearance of the building.


14. Even if a wider interpretation of the matter to be considered under prior approval is taken,

the principle of upward extension of up to 2 storeys is established by the permitted development right in Part 20, Class A of the 2015 Order, and the matters requiring prior approval need to be interpreted in the context of that principle.


9.21     Objections have also questioned how can this application be considered when a previous scheme for 2 floors was refused and dismissed at appeal. This historical application was a full planning application in which the decision maker (whether that was the LPA or the Planning Inspectorate) could consider the application in terms of the impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area. Following the dismissal of the application at appeal, SI 2020 no. 755 came into force on 31st August 2020. This application is therefore not a full application and can only be determined on a more limited basis as set out within the GPDO.


9.22     Accordingly the mass and bulk as a result of the proposed two additional storeys are permitted development and cannot be a reason for refusal neither can the impact upon the character and appearance of the area.


9.23     The design is considered to be consistent with and relate well to the host building. Therefore, there are no objections to the design and appearance of the proposal. 


vii.       Impact of any works permitted by sub paragraph (1)(c) or (d) of Class AA


9.24     Sub paragraph (1) (c) relates to works for the construction of appropriate safe access to and egress from the new dwellinghouses including external doors or staircases.


9.25     Sub paragraph (1) (d) relate to ancillary structures considered to be reasonably necessary to service the new dwellinghouses. Such as bin or cycle stores.


9.26     No new structures are required in relation to sub paragraph (1) (c). The current bin store would be utilised and is considered large enough to provide for sufficient bin storage. 


viii.      Provision of adequate natural light in all habitable rooms of the new dwelling houses


9.27     All of the habitable rooms to the proposed new residential units have external windows of a suitable size providing adequate natural light into each habitable room. There are no objections on these grounds.


ix.        Impact upon the amenity of existing building and neighbouring premises including overlooking, privacy, and the loss of light


9.28     The nearest residential properties, not within the building, to the proposal are located to the east of the proposal and comprise the properties on Primrose Walk and Harmans Water Road.


9.29     No. 18 Harmans Water Road is located 31.3 m from the projecting internal stairwell on the east elevation (35.9m from the elevation). No windows are proposed to be inserted into this elevation. The walls will be clad in the opaque material used in the rest of the building. The extract of the floor plan below shows that no windows are proposed facing towards the properties of Harmans Water Road or Primrose Walk.




9.30     The properties to Primrose Walk are located further away at a distance of 68m to the rear elevation of no. 2 Primrose Walk, and 34m to the garden boundary.


9.31     The distances mentioned within the Design SPD relate to window to window distances. As there are no proposed windows in the east elevation facing the flank elevation of 18 Harmans Water or Primrose Walk there is not an adverse impact from overlooking.


9.32     Given the distances involved, orientation of the properties and neighbouring dwellings, it is not considered that the proposal would result in an overbearing relationship.



9.33     Accordingly it is not considered that the proposal would result in additional loss of privacy harmful to the occupiers of nearby properties, or that there would be any significant harm to the amenity of the exiting occupants of the building that would render the scheme unacceptable.



x.         Impacts of noise from any commercial premises on the intended occupiers of the new dwelling houses


9.34     The Environmental Health Officer has looked at the surrounding land uses and noted that the leisure centre on the opposite side of the roundabout, has some noise generating plant. There is housing significantly closer than this proposal and noise from road traffic would be expected to be the dominant noise source at this location with noise from the leisure centre far below background noise, therefore there are no commercial noise objections.


xi.        Impacts of the introduction of, or an increase in, a residential use of premises in the area on the carrying on of any trade, business or other use of land in the area.


9.35     As above, there is no commercial land uses in proximity to the site which would be affected by additional units.


xii.       Whether, because of the siting of the building, the development will impact on a protected view identified in the Directions Relating to Protected Vistas dated 15th March 2012 issued by the Secretary of State.


9.36     There are no protected views that the proposal would impact upon.


xiii. where the development meets the fire risk condition (see paragraph C(3) of this part) the fire safety impacts on the intended occupiers of the building.


9.37 Paragraph C(3) states:

(3) In Part 20, development meets the fire risk condition if the development relates to a building

which will—

       (a) contain two or more dwellinghouses; and

       (b) satisfy the height condition in paragraph (3), read with paragraph (7), of article 9A (fire

       statements) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)

       (England) Order 2015218


9.38     The applicants submitted a fire risk statement which was sent to the Health and Safety Executive as statutory consultees. They declined to comment as the application was submitted before they became statutory consultee for fire risk assessments.


9.39 The Council’s Building Control Section and Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue service were then consulted.


9.40 The Council's Building Control Section comments that a sprinkler system should be installed and questioned the cladding to be used.


9.41 The applicant has confirmed that sprinklers would be installed to comply with building regulations and that incombustible cladding would be used.


9.42 The Fire Authority have reviewed  application 21/00361/PARC and have the following observation to make:


·         As the new floors are higher than 11m above ground level an automatic water fire suppression system will need to be installed in each of the new proposed flats.  An assessment of the risk of fire and fire spread on the existing floors will need to be undertaken to determine if the automatic water fire suppression system needs to be extended to the existing flats.

·         As the new floors are higher than 11m wayfinding signage will be required.

·         Confirmation of the height of the fourth floor above the lowest ground floor level is required as it appears to be very close to 18m.  If 18m or greater then additional fire safety measures will be required such the need for a firefighting shaft.  Also, if greater than 18m the Building Safety regulator will need to be involved in the planning application process.

·         The plans do not show how smoke ventilation of the extended atrium will be achieved.

·         The shorter corridor to the left of the building will need to be sub-divided by a corridor door.

·         The top floor shows that in addition to the smoke shaft roof lights they also act as automatic opening vents (AOVs) will be installed in the ceiling.  If smoke in the top floor corridor will be vented via the smoke shafts the rooflights are not required to be AOVs as the design and location of them could cause smoke to be drawn back into the same corridor its being extracted from.

·         The outlets for the proposed dry risers should be available on all floors, not just the third and fourth floor.


9.43 The applicant has confirmed that the floor level of the proposed fourth floor would be under 18m. All of these issues would be considered and administrated under building regulations for whom the Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service are a statutory consultee. It should be noted that this application only considers the proposed 3rd and 4th floors. The additional points would be covered under building regulations. It is recommended that an informative be included bringing these comments to the applicant’s attention.


xiv.      Other issues


Thames Basin Heaths SPA

9.44     The application site is within 5km of the SPA.


9.45     The GPDO is an order which grants permission for development subject to the conditions set out within the document and any the decision taker may impose. Under Article 3(1) of the General Permitted Development Order and regulations 73 to 76 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended) (Habitat Regulations), a development must not be begun or continued before the developer has received written notice of the approval of the local planning authority. The Council has carried out an Appropriate Assessment in which it states the development before its implementation must:


  1. Make an application to the Council to comply with the Habitat Regulations.
  2. Secure Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) capacity from a 3rd party SANG provider (by completing a contract with the provider to purchase the correct amount of SANG capacity).
  3. Enter into a s106 Agreement with the Council to: ensure the purchased SANG capacity (above) is secured to the development as approved; secure a financial contribution towards Strategic Access Management and Monitoring measures (SAMM); and, secure a monitoring fee of £1000 payable to the Council.
  4. On completion of the S106 the Council will provide a written notice to confirm full compliance with the Habitat Regulations.


9.46     The requirement for written approval of the Council prior to the commencement of development is therefore embedded in legislation that seeks to protect the integrity and features of the protected species. Accordingly, this aspect of the process falls outside of the prior approval regime but to comply with relevant legislation the scheme would not be able to progress without the necessary mitigation being provided.


Disruption during building works

9.47     Objections have been raised regarding the noise disturbance, dust and use of the parking spaces during building works of the current residents in L’Avenir. The application was deferred from a previous committee meeting to enable a CEMP to be submitted and considered by officers prior to determination of the application.


9.48     The CEMP contains information about how the disruption during building will be minimised and the site will be organised in a safe way. This can be conditioned to ensure it is complied with. It is unfortunately the case that all disruption, noise and inconvenience cannot be eliminated.


9.49     The CEMP contains information on

·         Parking of vehicles for site personal, operatives and visitors

·         Loading and unloading

·         Storage of plant and materials

·         Treatment of relevant pedestrian routes and highways

·         Measures to be used in the suppression of dust and dirt

·         Details of how noise emitting from the site during construction will be mitigated including hours of working.


9.50     The CEMP is accompanied by a plan which shows that part of the car parking currently available to residents will be required for the parking of construction vehicles, storage of material and equipment whilst building operations are underway. Objections have been received that this occupies some of the currently designated parking spaces. The CEMP states that ‘98 parking spaces will be available for uninterrupted access throughout the construction’ and the Highway Officer has confirmed that this is sufficient space to accommodate parking for the existing flats. The applicant has confirmed that any resident affected will have their parking space(s) reallocated.


9.51     Both Environmental Health and the Highway Authority have confirmed that they are satisfied with the contents of the CEMP.




10.1     This is an application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 20, Class AA of the General Permitted Development Order. Under the application, the Local Planning Authority can only consider a limited number of considerations, as set out above.


10.2     The design has been amended to replicate the style and design of the host building. Accordingly the proposal is considered acceptable on design grounds. In addition, the building is considered to be sited a sufficient distance from neighbouring properties, and no windows are proposed directly facing the nearest dwellings. There is sufficient onsite parking and the bin store is large enough to accommodate the number of bins required.


10.5     It is therefore considered that the proposed development complies with ‘Saved’ policies M9, and EN20 of the BFBLP, Policies CS7 and CS23 of the CSDPD and the NPPF. Accordingly, the application is considered to comply with Part 20, Class AA of the GPDO, subject to the conditions within AA.2. of Part 20 Class AA and therefore the recommendation is to grant prior approval.




11.1       Prior approval be granted subject to the following conditions:-


01.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and other submitted details:

            JW879-160 (Existing Site and Block Plan)   

            JW879-151 Rev A (Existing plans Basement and Ground floor)

            JW879-152 (Existing plans First and Second Floors)

            JW879-162 (Existing elevations)       

            JW879-163 Rev C (Proposed Plans Third and Fourth Floor)

            JW879-164 Rev C. (Proposed elevations, proposed strip section)


            REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the             Local Planning Authority.


02.     The associated vehicle parking and turning space as shown on drawing JW879-160 shall be kept available for parking and turning at all times.

REASON: To ensure that the development is provided with adequate car parking to prevent the likelihood of on-street car parking which would be a danger to other road users.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


03.    No development shall take place until a scheme has been submitted to and approved

in writing by the Local Planning Authority for covered and secure cycle parking facilities for 45 cycles. No dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied until the approved scheme has been implemented. The facilities shall thereafter be retained.

REASON: In the interests of accessibility of the development to cyclists.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]


04.     No dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied until the details of infrastructure to support electric vehicle charging points with an output of at least 7kw per charging point for at least 10 car parking spaces within the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


          No dwelling hereby approved shall be occupied until the approved electric vehicle charging infrastructure has been provided. Thereafter the electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall be retained.

REASON: To ensure adequate provision of spaces for charging plug-in low emission vehicles.

[Relevant Policies: BFBLP M9, NPPF paragraphs 105 e) and 110 e)]


05.       The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the Construction Environmental Management Plan rev. G and the Construction Management Site Plan (jw879-290 rev. D). 

            REASON: To protect the amenities of neighbouring residents and highway safety

            [Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20, M9, Core Strategy DPD CS23]





01.       The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against all material considerations, including planning policies and any representations that may have been received and subsequently determining to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.


02.       Your attention is drawn to the conditions under Schedule 2, Part 20, Class AA, of the GPDO, which must be complied with.


03.     Under Article 3(1) of the General Permitted Development Order and regulations 73 to 76 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended), a development must not be begun or continued before the developer has received written notice of the approval of the local planning authority. This will require the LPA to ensure the development undertakes the appropriate process to obtain written approval from the Council in its duty as competent authority and  the applicant will be required to enter into a legal agreement to secure the relevant mitigation. Further information can be obtained from: Thames Basin Heaths SPA Supplementary Planning Document | Bracknell Forest Council (bracknell-forest.gov.uk)


04.     Fire safety of future residents should be considered and the following points incorporated into any future application under Building Regulations:

·         Automatic water fire suppression system will need to be installed in each of the new proposed flats.  An assessment of the risk of fire and fire spread on the existing floors will need to be undertaken to determine of the automatic water fire suppression system needs to be extended to the existing flats.

·         Wayfinding signage will be required.

·         The plans should show how smoke ventilation of the extended atrium will be achieved.

·         The shorter corridor to the left of the building will need to be sub-divided by a corridor door.

·         The top floor shows that in addition to the smoke shaft roof lights they also act as automatic opening vents (AOV’s) will be installed in the ceiling.  If smoke in the top floor corridor will be vented via the smoke shafts the rooflights are not required to be AOV’s as the design and location of them could cause smoke to be drawn back into the same corridor its being extracted from.

·         The outlets for the proposed dry risers should be available on all floors, not just the third and fourth floor.






Doc. Ref:Uniform 7/DC/Agenda


The application file to which this report relates can be viewed at the Council's Time Square office during office hours

or online at www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk